Software Support
The Importance of Software Maintenance:
Software maintenance is the process of modifying a software system or component after delivery to correct faults, improve performance, or adapt to a changed environment”
Software requires periodic refreshes to ensure it continues to run smoothly, as well as preventative maintenance to reduce the occurrence of problems
Software support services are generally technical support or break/fix services that are delivered for specific software products. Software support services typically include remote infrastructure software. Services may be delivered by a product vendor, a consulting firm or third-party software maintroubleshooting capabilities, installation assistance and basic usability assistance. Software support services may include new product installation services, installation of product updates, migrations for major releases of software, other types of proactive or reactive on-site services, and support for custom application or tainers.
Our team provide Execution of software error analysis, find a workaround and/or solutions of a software bug or error
Log analysis in 24x7x365